
SellySite Simple Website Creator is friendly, easy to use and competitive solution with Pay Per Use pricing.

How it works


  • synchronize Etsy shop and your SellySite site continuously
  • you can manage listings through Etsy and see changes on website
  • flexible pricing starting from $0.10 per item per month
  • 100% free website with 20 listings


Please write to support@sellysite.com if you have any questions or need help with our tool

We are


I've always liked to create original handmade items. I'm glad there is place like Etsy where people from whole over the world meet to buy and sell their items. As one of the Etsy seller I would like to use my knowledge and help others to make their shops profitable.


Hi, I'm Mateusz, I want to use my web development experience to make useful tools for etsy sellers. I also run Etsy shop with my family and injoy Etsy marketplace. My priority was to make low cost solution that would help organize promotion in stores on Etsy and save sellers a lot of time.